
Handling Long File Name in Windows

Let's make the question short: on Windows platform, how can you copy the file if the path is too long?

This question is coming from a project I worked on recently. What happened is that quite a few Access Databases are dumped to a network shared folder, and we need to move them to a staging folder for data process. Because the access database is dumped automatically by a 3rd party software, some access databases were saved in an invalid file path (more than 260 characters in file's full name).

The solution is simple: RoboCopy. It is a standard component in Windows now and you can find an explanation of it here. So basically what we need to do, is listing all files from the source folder by time stamp, and then calling the RoboCopy to copy the file. Procedure is simple but just a few things need to have a look:

1. The FileInfo class acts differently by Windows platform
The SSIS package was built on Windows 7 platform (yes, 2019 already I know, but you won't believe how old client's infrastructure is.). On Windows 7 when calling FileInfo's full file name, there will be an IO.PathTooLongException. As demonstrated below, in the try catch block we extract file's name and path if the file's full name is too long, and then construct file's full name and pass it to RoboCopy.

So far so good, but the SSIS package eventually would be triggered on Windows 2012 platform. When we tested the package, the FileInfo's FullName actually returned the full path of the file, and the exception occurred at the directory level, which left us an unhandled exception: So files supposed to raise IO.PathTooLongException were passed to SSIS's File System Task, and obviously, SSIS's File System Task cannot handle File Name Too Long error.

Fixing the error is easy, but it is a good lesson: keeping dev and prod environment identical is critical.

2. RoboCopy can have more than one return code to represent success result.
When calling SSIS's Execute Process Task, only one return code is accepted by default, e.g. 0 by default is treated as success value, return code other than 0 will be treated as failure.

But when you look at RoboCopy's document, you can see RoboCopy's return code is a bitmap. In my situation, we need to set more than one return codes for success value.

We can easily fix this problem by following steps below:

In the Execute Process Task Configuration windows, change FailTaskIfReturnCodeIsNotSuccessValue to False. By setting it to false, Execute Process Task will always report success.

Now keep Execute Process Task selected and go to the Properties window (locate at the bottom-right corner by default, press Ctrl + W then P if you cannot find it), assign a package variable to ExecValueVariable. It will capture the execute result to the variable.

Now you can figure it out, instead of letting Execute Process Task report success or failure, we capture execution result to a variable, then in the Precedent Constraint we can use expression to identify the actual outcome of the RoboCopy.

That is today's post, good experience to find and fix these issues though at the beginning the task was looked so simple.